We have put together a small selection of wallpapers that are ideal for your cosy nest. By choosing one of the above tapestries, you can be sure of a successful wall decoration in this room of the house. Tired of plain green or blue wallpaper? Dare to use patterns or a panoramic photo to decorate an adult room.
This room is your room. You can indulge yourself with an innovative and original decoration. You can either show it to your close circle of friends or keep it for yourself! Patterns are a good idea for decorating a room. You can use them on all the walls or just on one wall for a modern room. The Terrazzo, the Petits points or the single strip Heliconia are wallpapers with colourful patterns that would look great in a contemporary master bedroom.
If you don't want a pattern in your bedroom, you can also opt for a panoramic photo at the head of the bed. Look for a zen atmosphere with an image of a calm sea, or a romantic atmosphere with a beautiful sunset, or many other styles with trendy images (mist, engraving, bamboo, forest, trompe l'oeil...). A wall painting can complete your ambience by adding a little relief to the wall.
Baby wallpaper : sweet nights
How to choose for baby?
The preparation of the baby's room is done before the birth. Everything must be ready for his arrival. We buy or recover furniture, the bed, a wardrobe, clothes... How to choose for a baby? He will grow up and may not like his wardrobe or the colour of his walls later on. Preparing your baby's room is choosing for someone else. Will it have the same taste as us? We ask ourselves a lot of questions...
Decorating the baby's room is also an opportunity to treat yourself! What decor did we dream of when we were children? Today, you can do everything in a room! There is a wide variety of wall decorations, mobiles, furniture styles, etc. You can create a completely different atmosphere to lull baby to sleep.
Softly coloured room
The combination of colours is important for baby to feel cocooned and to fall asleep easily. Soft colours are often preferred: beige, blue, pink, green, purple... On a wall, a wallpaper gives the room its style. It is then combined with natural paints in pastel colours, which are reminiscent of the decor. For example, you can opt for blue in your son's room, with the one-piece banquise wallpaper, combined with light blue paint on the other walls and a colourful light garland. Your baby will evolve and choose some of his decorations himself when he becomes a child old enough to make his own choices.
Cheap children's wallpaper: decorating is a game
A limitless imagination
Our children's imaginations are boundless, they dream and play all the time. Their rooms reflect their hobbies and daydreams: space travel decoration, or dream job decoration: fireman, pirates, astronauts... You can dare to use decorations that add a strong atmosphere to the room, a crazy dream or an offbeat universe. To give more freedom to their imagination, we also offer pencilled atmospheres or drawings that are far from realistic.
A decor that changes often
Children evolve quickly and change their opinions, their dreams, their universe, depending on their friends, the media, their education. As they become teenagers, children change a lot and so do their decorating desires. Choose a pinboard or poster, which you can easily replace. The hook you attach to the wall for the picture will be used for another decoration! ? Our wallpapers and pictures are very easy to install, with explanatory instructions provided in the packages and video installation demonstrations. Make your life easier by choosing our high quality materials that are easy to install and remove.
What wallpaper is trendy for an adult room?
A modern and sober non-woven paper makes you wise again
Not sure about your wallpaper for your adult bedroom? We recommend a return to soft colours, for a zen or romantic atmosphere. The sober colour combinations make a chic and contemporary room. Trendy colours are white, red, brown and grey. With this choice of wallpaper, you will have a nice decoration, to your image. You can decorate it with a few pieces of art that you like, but don't overload the room.
... Or not with original designs
Whether our childhood dreams have come true or not, we have new dreams: travels, life projects... More realistic than children's dreams, your new desires are expressed through your decoration. For the fugitive spirits, dare to use bright colours and abstract art. For the nostalgic, go for a photo atmosphere. Or personalise your decoration with family photos, photos of your relatives, children and friends.
How do you hang wallpaper in an attic room?
It's quite simple really. Pre-cut your wallpaper to the measurements of your wall, leaving a 5 cm margin for the attic wall. The installation will be easier if your paper is prepared beforehand. The margin is useful for a perfect fit. Once the paper is in place, cut the margin with a new blade, pushing the wallpaper well into the corner with a large ruler.
Panoramic with ecological and natural inks
Our made in France decoration respects the French standards regarding indoor air pollution. Our products are certified A, the highest grade. Our inks are environmentally friendly and friendly to your environment! We use 100% natural and environmentally friendly water-based inks%, certified by an independent body. Our solvent-free and odourless inks are suitable for family rooms.