World map wallpaper, world map, planisphere

Travelling is undoubtedly one of the best activities for getting away from it all, relieving stress and soaking up new cultures. Do you dream of travelling to the four corners of the world? Until then, let your imagination run wild with our collection of world map wallpapers, a perfect set of wallpapers for explorers, globetrotters and travel agencies.

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World map wallpaper : A wall covering luring you to travel

A world map wallpaper, guaranteed to enrich your interior

Opt for a modern wall covering, and turn your house or flat into a land of reverie, or daydreaming. The world map wall covering range Scenolia will enhance your interior and help you see life for all it is. Models of our world map decorations, perfect for the living room, can be found in our online shop. With a living room embellished by the seven continents, you will certainly transport your guests to a whole new world every time they visit. You can take inspiration from our catalogue and find a world map pattern wallpaper that is ideal for the bedroom. A map showing all the countries you want to set foot in is bound to make you dream.

Our collection of world map wallpapers

We believe that your living space should always be welcoming and full of charm. And that's why you should take pride in your décor, At Scenolia, you can choose your model of world map wallpaper, best adapted to the style of your interior, suiting your needs. In order to make sure that your interior design is really at the top of the charts, you can choose from a wide range of patterns, colours and graphics. And given that every room deserves a well-decorated wall, the world map wallpapers come in several formats.

Whether you are a keen traveller or perhaps just a fan of travel-themed decoration, discover our collection of world map wallpapers!