Our answers to your questions

Several materials are available on one product page. How do you choose between these 3 materials? Here are some tips for choosing the right material, including extra information and clarifications: non-woven or premium paper, pre-glued non-woven paper, textile fabric. We only print on quality materials, never on low-quality paper (blue back...). Our papers and fabrics are thick and easy to apply, with enough durability to give you beautiful interior decor which lasts a lifetime.

RENDERING Satin / slightly matt Satin / slightly matt Satin / slightly matt
  • monobloc
  • single strips
  • single strips

(not available in monobloc)

  • monobloc
  • single strips
MOUNTING Can be pasted or pinned. Our wallpaper
can be pasted directly
onto the wall if you choose this style of mounting.
Pre-pasted. You can also opt for pre-pasted wallpaper. Simply activate the paste by spraying
with water.
Can be pasted or pinned. Our wallpaper
can be pasted directly
onto the wall if you choose this style of mounting.
PRICE €€ €€€
DURABILITY Non-woven material guarantees a longer life span
and easier installation.
Non-woven material guarantees a longer life span
and easier installation.
Durable, repositionable, easy to stick
and to remove.
ADVANTAGES Lightweight and easy to stick Easy to hang, no need to buy paste. There's nothing more durable. Its tear-proof and flexible design makes it easy to reposition. Our wallpapers are washable with a damp sponge
VERDICT A benchmark in the wallpaper
industry! A great compromise between price, appearance and ease of installation.
A benchmark in the wallpaper
industry! Repositionable for up to
10 minutes once the glue has been activated, before it dries.
Robust, ideal for easy installation
and a long life span.
TIPS Have you hung wallpaper before? The non-woven material is easy to stick and unstick. The non-woven material is easy to stick and unstick. Hanging panoramic formats is
made easier with our particularly strong textile supports. Our suspension kit is very popular for wall hangings.
IMAGE Non-woven paper Pre-pasted wallpaper image Textile fabric

Our team has created a buying guide just for you. So, now you know a bit more about the advantages of and differences between the available material textures. This comparison table will help you distinguish each unique quality.

Do you have any more questions about our materials?
Contact our customer service team by phone on 04 74 70 68 53 or by e-mail at scenolia@scenolia.com

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